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New building to lengthen unit stomach and HP bars

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:22 pm
by omegamormegil
Perhaps an upgrade to increase the HP and food capacity of all of the units would be interesting, along with a new building. This would have obvious benefits, including allowing worker units to travel further to construct new buildings before dying of hunger.

Re: New building to lengthen unit stomach and HP bars

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:43 pm
by Giszmo

in glob2 some would like to shorten range so supply chain management gets more important. here the idea is that development should be more of a local effect. loosing a base is not loosing the game.

in my eyes it would be best if globs could not attack far off their base at all but to strengthen your team in an area you can build infrastructure in that direction.

ideas for such an infrastructure:
inns like they are now make little sense to build in the dessert. a special forward post that is an inn, turret and hospital in one would be an option to support long range attacks. such a building could get depleted after 200 globs being fed, 100 globs being healed and 50 shots being fired. It could be constructible like a ready to transport resource (like you would "build" one unit of wood) that is needed to actually set up the building. this way you would need one worker to carry this extremely valuable package to its destination and set it up in one go. being attacked could initiate a "build as quickly as possible no matter where mode".

... and so on. warp gates, roads, etc. ... ideas are not the problem. we need someone to code it :/

greetings, giszmo

Re: New building to lengthen unit stomach and HP bars

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:17 am
by chrismcb
i like the idea of the increased food capacity and possibly HP. possibly a building like a research facility or something. and giszomo, i like your idea too. sort of like an outpost i supose. so if im getting this right, you would build it in your base, have a worker pick it up, move to destination and deploy it? would workers be able to replenish its 200 food, 100 heal units, and 50 shots?

Re: New building to lengthen unit stomach and HP bars

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:40 am
by Giszmo
as i said: ideas are not the problem. and no, replenish was not what i would code. what i don't like about the concept is that the post could remain being a turret/inn/hospital only, so i would prefer to have it with all 3 functions over the whole time of existence. maybe a time limit during which it can serve unlimited globs (n at a time) and shoot unlimited shots?