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Custom map name clean up

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 8:36 pm
by Farmer Glob
Glob2 is one of the more professional games I've played so far in GNU/Linux.

One tiny thing that I think could further this polished image is a little cleanup in the default custom maps' names.

An early, simple-to-implement change would be to simply make the names more consistent: Titles Typed Like This, eliminating underscores, digits, etc. E.g.: Big Pond, Centerfolds, Easy Three, Four Squares, Stone Dividers

Long term, more complex change would be maybe to have a nicely typed Title Field, an author field, and a brief description (difficulty rating, given challenges of the map, unique features, recommended AI setting).

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:19 pm
by Giszmo
map server with rating is also an often requested feature. renaming the maps would be a first thing. worst about map naming are triangIe and triangle. the first is without fruit the second is with and they differ in the i<>L. When i introduced that joke i never thought someone would integrate it without fixing that.