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Tutorial translation isn't detected

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:10 pm
by Majid_AlDharrab
I'm working on an Arabic translation for the tutorial campaign and used the Arabic language code of "ar" as the second argument in the show command. I copied my translation to /usr/share/game/glob2/script but it didn't appear and the English strings are shown instead. Please note that the interface text is shown in Arabic correctly as I translated it. Is there anything missing in what I did?
The script for part1 scenario is in the attachments.

Re: Tutorial translation isn't detected

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:42 am
by Giszmo
this has been sorted out on the mailing list.
those scripts are only for tracking translation outside the maps themselfs. the progress of copying campaign maps to the maps folder, opening them in an editor (soon with an old version of glob2 in order to get sgsl at all) loading those scripts, copying the maps back to the campaigns folder is a pain.