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Would you like to see roads in this game?

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Re: Roads

Post by Giszmo »

gnah!! me stupid. Where is the edit button? My quote was meant to quote pOoPs:
well i think ish not good 2 create building in the woods because its annoying 2 find every building :/ (if ur enemy tries 2 annoy/survive)

i think ractracks are enough... :/ ;p
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Re: Roads

Post by Monkey15 »

I've voted yes, for a personal reason! :D

I'm a big perfectionist, and I think roads may be a good idea! :) It will be better-organized, and we can consider also the construction of bridges! :)

Sorry if my English is very bad. Yes.
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Re: Roads

Post by quinnteh »

I don't think it's a good idea to give players an easy way to constrict resource growth - what if they do that to the enemy resources? Then the enemy retaliates with the same thing? The game will become very messy.

I do think it is a good idea for buildings to be able to be placed on resources though, so those resources will simply be cleared off before the building is built.

About accessibility (in case resources grow around your building) how about dynamically placing roads between your buildings as you build them? Say you have one building at first, then you build a second building. A road will then automatically appear between the 2 buildings. Then if you build a third building, the third building will be connected to one of the first 2 buildings or part of the road automatically as well. So the network expands as you build more buildings, but there is a max range for it. So your new building will have to be (let's say) 5 spaces or less from the nearest building/road in order for it to be connected. Resources cannot grow on roads but (maybe?) can grow over them to the other side, and anybody can move along roads but without any bonuses given.
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Re: Roads

Post by Inasmuch »

I personnally am against roads insofar as one of the strategic aspects of golb 2 is managing the flow of globs in a base. Where to build a new inn? Next to where every glob is so as to facilitate acces or rather further to decongestion hot spots? Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I've seen globs starve to death because they couldn't move to anywhere, stuck between a bunch of other globs that may or may not be going anywhere. Try using the 'starving map' and see what I mean; the red spots are where globs can't move anymore.
To me, roads dumb the game down as they could become an unnecessary obligation, removing the interesting mind game of planning out a base.
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Re: Roads

Post by Giszmo »

i take that as a vote against roads that are placed explicitly.

implicit roads would give nice effects: a trail from globs frequently passing and thus solidifying the ground would offer both a nice visual effect and a natural way to make globs prefer to use old trails.

this would require to have globs affect the path calculation (we will definitely need 16 bit then) and if done like in the attached pic (brown gradient on white, on grass, on grass but with blending only the color and finally the color-blending using 6 such tiles of the same size each and alpha=0.3 0.6 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.3) cost some GPU for overlaying up to 9 extra layers to the existing 5.

greetings, giszmo
how a trail could look like ...
how a trail could look like ...
grass.png (50.27 KiB) Viewed 14212 times
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Re: Roads

Post by Inasmuch »

I definitly agree that roads should not be placed explicitly. The graphics look cool, too. And with a way to influence the implicit paths, this take on roads could definitly be a winner.
To explain, a natural metaphor. Termites poop completely at random, but are attracted by other termites' poop. Thus, when two termites happen to poop at the same place, other termites converge there also. That is how they build cities.
We just need to make sure that two globs randomly beeing in the same place don't attract all other globs in a grand snowball effect.
To me, the red "don't go here" zone isn't subtle enough. Some sort of tool that destroys (instead of creating) roads, or tones them down, should be a good addition to the implicit roads.
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Re: Roads

Post by NoSpin »

its not poop, they lay down scent trails.
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Re: Roads

Post by NoSpin »

if we let them implicitly lay down trails, then trails will end up on farms, and the resources will not grow back. Explicit roads is the answer, we need more tools to handle resource overgrowth and this will help. As far the strategies allowed by creating roads on opponents bases, we can do that already with walls. It is easy enough for someone to destroy buildings near there base. I suggest using zones to build roads, this way we can lay down roads quickly rather then click on one square, then click on the next square like you have to do with walls. Walls are too time consuming to build and roads should not share the same problems. Once a road is build, the zone marker disappears.
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Re: Roads

Post by Giszmo »

lol for the poop :)

the implicit placement of trampled ground would definitely have to be handled in farms. farming areas would be my choice.

a road through the wood:
you place a 5 wide road at arbitrary angles. glob2 draws a straight line of clearing area with wall segments at the borders. this would require the "build on resources"-feature that i hope genixpro will be able to do soon. globs will clear and place walls ...


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Post by Zenfur »

Road upgrading:
Road existing:

I think that roads should be neutral, without hp. Workers would be able to destroy it for free. If road is often used, it would upgrade itself (as in settlers game).

Greetings!! ت